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April 30 and May 1
11am-1pm @ Franklin High School
When you think about shoes, did you know...
• Most people do not know that shoes and clothing can be repurposed.
• 85% of consumer textiles end up in landfills, which is extremely harmful to the environment.
• Consumers are the primary reason for textiles ending up in landfills.
• Approximately 50 percent of collected shoes and clothing are re-used around the world.
• 70 percent of the global population uses repurposed shoes and clothing.

-- Funds2Org
We are continuing our district-wide shoe drive fundraiser with the next big collection date on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1st from 11am to 1pm at the high school. We will take gently used shoes of any size and any type.
Supporting Materials:
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