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We are proud to share that the Franklin Educational Foundation has approved funding for almost $1.4 million dollars worth of grants since the Foundation began in 1996.


Grants are available to fund projects that demonstrate innovative and creative ideas that support the Franklin School District’s current strategic plans at the classroom level. Grants are available to Teachers, Staff, and Administrators.  In addition, groups such as grade-levels or departments may apply.  Parents or other community members may apply for a grant, however they must have a teacher, staff member, or administrator as a co-applicant.


Nomination Deadline:   A grant application can be submitted at anytime during the calendar year.  The Board evaluates all grants twice a year.  Deadline for a Spring Semester Grant is Nov. 1st.  Deadline for a Fall Semester Grant is May 1st. Exemptions may be made under extenuating circumstances. 


Application Requirements and Funding Rules:

  • One of the applicants must be a teacher or professional staff member of Franklin Public Schools.

  • Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:

    • The degree to which the proposal represents an innovative idea or opportunity not covered by district budget

    • The extent to which the proposal meets one or more of the district’s educational objectives

    • The potential short and long-term effect(s) of the proposal

    • Alignment with the mission of district and school/curricular goals

  • Requests to fund the following will not be considered:

    • Direct staff expenses (i.e. salaries, training, transportation, lodging, etc.)

    • Capital improvements or facility maintenance

    • Programs that should be funded out of regular operating budgets


Evaluation of Application:  The grant application will be reviewed by the Franklin Educational Foundation Board of Directors at a monthly meeting.  


Primary criteria will be those outlined above:  innovation, alignment with educational objectives, potential effectiveness, and lack of an alternative funding source. The Board reserves the right to decide, on a case-by-case basis, to contact applicants for phone interviews or to request additional materials. Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision within one week of its meeting.  


Payment of Award:

  • Funds must be spent within 18 months of the date awarded

  • Arrangement of purchase orders, reimbursement, etc., will be handled through the Franklin Educational Foundation office.



Your completed application and materials can be sent or delivered to:


Franklin Educational Foundation

8255 W. Forest Hill Ave.

Franklin, WI  53132


Email questions to:

Or, call 414-525-7650








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