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Marlene Vidal: Favorite Grants

Lauren Paull

Marlene Vidal served as the FEF Executive Director for many years and she has many fond memories of how the Foundation served the school district.

She explained that every grant is unique and specifically designed for a positive impact. Marlene shared her favorite grants beginning with the Kindergarten level grant which provided incubators for the hatching of baby chicks, allowing the young children to experience the life of a baby chick. She also mentioned the Teen Pregnancy Awareness grant being a successful and eye-opening grant for students. She explained “The teen pregnancy one helped kids think more than twice about the responsibilities and demands that could become their new reality following casual intimacy.”

Both grants have given students opportunities for new learning experiences, enhancing their overall takeaways with hands-on activities. Marlene also shared that the Board members were very dedicated to the welfare of the students, which benefited both students and teachers in numerous ways, allowing them to expand their horizons with new upcoming grants.

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